Root Canal Therapy
A root canal is performed to remove infected tissue from the nerve canal of a tooth. This process can save your tooth. The alternative is to have the tooth removed and replaced with an implant or bridge.
Infected nerves are usually caused by untreated cavities or injuries. Symptoms can include pain when you bite, intense sensitivity to heat or cold, or facial swelling.
Root canals are commonly believed to be painful, but the analgesics and technologies we use to make this a relatively easy and pain-free process. When the analgesics wear off most people experience soreness or some tissue inflammation, but these are easily controlled with non-prescription medications.
If you experience pain or soreness in any of your teeth, it may be possible to save the tooth with root canal therapy (endodontics), provided the problem is caught early. The process for this is to clean the infected area, fill the canal, and then seal it to prevent further infection
Contact our office today at 905.387.5000!